In Memoriam

Elizabeth Raby (1943 - 2021)
Listen to Elizabeth read "Rabbits"
Our beloved friend and poet, Elizabeth Raby passed from this world December 26, 2021 in Florida of the lung disease that took her from Santa Fe to the lower altitude. Her husband Jim, and son Omar, were with her. Since Elizabeth and Jim Raby hosted many years of First Monday of the Open Mics at Teatro Paraguas, we are suggesting to make donations in her name to Teatro Paraguas, 3205 Calle Marie, Santa Fe, NM 87507.
Elizabeth Raby is the author of The Year the Pears Bloomed Twice (2009), Ink on Snow (2010), This Woman (2012), and Ransomed Voices (2013). Her poems have appeared in many journals and anthologies. She earned her BA from Vassar College and her MA in English and creative writing from Temple University. In 2010, Raby received the Elmer Kelton Award for poetry from Angelo State University. She is a former NMLA board member.
Roberts French (1935 - 2018) Roberts French—beloved poet, teacher, writer, outdoorsman, husband, father and grandfather—recently departed this world. A life-long hiker, Bob researched on foot and edited the Sierra Club’s Eighth Edition of Day Hikes in the Santa Fe Area (2016). He served on the NMLA board from 2016-2018; we very much miss him and his gracious ways. Bob’s poems honor the earth he so loved. |