~ Stella Reed
Symptoms: Inability to stretch beyond the boundary of skin, tongue and ears
Lack of sufficient power to dream in another language
Rx: This helmet fell like a yod
from the Tower of Babel
when god was lightning
Worn while sleeping it will imbue
the seeker with dreams of old women
feeding bread to pigeons in every city
in every country in every world.
Bread becomes pain, arán, chléb,
brood, brot, duona.
Worn upon waking it will enable
the seeker to hear the voices of pigeons
in every city of every country in every world.
Cooing becomes dove becomes sparrow becomes
crow becomes hawk flying back to dove.
Translating the scent of pine, bamboo, oak,
eucalyptus, boab, willow, and mahogany
will be effortless.
The festive ribbons, held in the mouth
(taste of corn, saffron, curry, milk, sour plum)
allows the seeker to speak in dialects
previously unknown, unbinding the tongue
oiling the lips, the ears, eyes, fingers, hinges
of the closeted heart will swing open,
patience will preside, understanding
create equanimity.
To further lessen symptoms:
feet shall be unshod
shoes shed on a Swedish mat
(woven mountains of mouths, fanged yet friendly)
and left overnight.
Upon waking, the seeker shall examine.
Have the shoes changed?
Place the shoes back on the feet.
Do they fit?
Walk a mile.
What does the seeker feel?
Is it right? Left?
Circular, ether, above, below
betwixt, between?
Circumambulate the waters
Any waters.
Do the shoes fit?
Wear them.
Symptoms: Inability to stretch beyond the boundary of skin, tongue and ears
Lack of sufficient power to dream in another language
Rx: This helmet fell like a yod
from the Tower of Babel
when god was lightning
Worn while sleeping it will imbue
the seeker with dreams of old women
feeding bread to pigeons in every city
in every country in every world.
Bread becomes pain, arán, chléb,
brood, brot, duona.
Worn upon waking it will enable
the seeker to hear the voices of pigeons
in every city of every country in every world.
Cooing becomes dove becomes sparrow becomes
crow becomes hawk flying back to dove.
Translating the scent of pine, bamboo, oak,
eucalyptus, boab, willow, and mahogany
will be effortless.
The festive ribbons, held in the mouth
(taste of corn, saffron, curry, milk, sour plum)
allows the seeker to speak in dialects
previously unknown, unbinding the tongue
oiling the lips, the ears, eyes, fingers, hinges
of the closeted heart will swing open,
patience will preside, understanding
create equanimity.
To further lessen symptoms:
feet shall be unshod
shoes shed on a Swedish mat
(woven mountains of mouths, fanged yet friendly)
and left overnight.
Upon waking, the seeker shall examine.
Have the shoes changed?
Place the shoes back on the feet.
Do they fit?
Walk a mile.
What does the seeker feel?
Is it right? Left?
Circular, ether, above, below
betwixt, between?
Circumambulate the waters
Any waters.
Do the shoes fit?
Wear them.